When we look at the health of our body, our skins health is very ımportant for us
Due to skin close contact with the external environment
In fact it is considered an organ open to the formation of diseases due to its
continuous contact with the external environment and due to repeated exposure
to environmental agents, chemicals, allergents, and some similar stimulants in every day life .
The appearance of skin disorders will be easier and diseases that occur to the skin may
cause easthetic and cosmetic problems in some cases.
Sager Health Travel with you in order of your health to find a solution in every spot in Turkey.
With advanced technical equipment and spesalist doctors in the hospitals who will allow you
to have a suitable treatment program , sager health travel hosts many local and foreign
patients and takes care of their healthy and professionals people who care about your
satisfaction and we maintain at your value healthy and comfortable stay with your companions .
We provide you with some services in the modern health care institutions that we have contracted with :
Hair loss treatment
Treating excessive hair growth
Laser hair removal treatment
Treating excessive sweating / hyperhidrosis /
Cosmetic dermatology
Chemical peeling applicatins
Jessner peeling
Spot treatment
Wrinkle remover treatment
Acne treatment
Eczema treatment
Treating venereal diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea
Treating hair and nails
Fungal treatment
Treatment of psoriasis
Dandruff treatment